God's Idea of Success

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  (Josh. 1:8)

                After the death of Moses, the nation took time to grieve the loss of a great man of God.  And yet, God didn’t allow them to look backward for too long – “arise, go over this Jordan” (Josh. 1:2).  God gave Joshua clear instructions on how he and the rest of the people were to make their voyage into the Promised Land.  Several times in chapter 1, God instructed the people to “be strong and of a good courage” (Josh. 1:6-7, 9).  In order for them to fulfill their destiny, they had to trust the Lord.
                In the midst of God’s call for strength, He provided the instruction we’re considering today.  “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth.”  The Book of the Law was the written Word of God given to Israel through God’s servant Moses.  The precepts of the Law were not to depart from Joshua’s mouth, nor were they to depart from his mind – “meditate in it day and night.”  Why?  “That you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.”  Not just information but application!

                In speaking, thinking, and obeying the Word, God assured Joshua that only then would the way for Israel be made prosperous.  We know that God blessed Israel with great prosperity in their own land – a prosperity that climaxed under the reign of King Solomon.  God also said that it was only through obedience that Joshua & Israel would be a true “success.”  So then, success is not really about the materials you own or the riches you possess – it’s really about the Word you know & you keep.

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