Giving Thanks To God
“And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan.” (Luke 17:15-16)
We should all live with an attitude of gratitude, but if we’re honest we have to admit that sometimes we struggle with thanksgiving. Sometimes we get so fixed on what we want that we forget to give thanks for all that we have. What do we have to be thankful for? The blessings are too many to mention – the running water in our homes, the food in our pantries, the clothes in our closet, etc. Every day we take for granted the necessities of life, not to mention our amazing salvation!
Luke tells the story of an occasion when Christ and the disciples were headed to Jerusalem, and along the way they passed through Galilee and Samaria. In a certain village, there were 10 lepers who stood far off and cried out to Jesus. Leprosy was a horrible disease in the ancient world, and those who suffered from it were forced to live on the edge of civilization so that no one else would contract their disease. The life of a leper was a lonely, miserable life filled with heartache and adversity.
When these 10 lepers called on Jesus, He mercifully healed each one of them. After they saw that they’d been healed, one of the 10 lepers came back to Jesus and gave thanks. Luke tells us he was a Samaritan. You would’ve expected one of Christ’s fellow Jews to return and say thank you, but not a single one did. Would you say that you’re more like the ungrateful nine, or the thankful one? God has done great things for all of us! The very least we can do is give thanks to Him today and every day!
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