Preaching Through The Scripture
“And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” (Luke 24:27)
On the same day that Jesus rose from the dead, two of his followers decided to make the 7-mile journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Along the way, a gentleman approached them and began a conversation. It’s no surprise that the two men were talking about Jesus and all that had happened to Him over the last few days of His life. The two men had no idea that Jesus was risen from the dead, and they also did not know the identity of the man who began to travel with them.
The man asked them to explain the things that happened to Jesus in Jerusalem, and so the two men obliged. After they explained that Christ’s tomb was now empty, the man began to do some talking himself. He began by rebuking the two men for their biblical ignorance, then “beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” Of course, the third Traveler was Jesus and He began to preach through the Word.
The two men’s eyes were finally opened and they said, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) The holy heartburn the two men felt was clearly because of Jesus, and yet we have much to learn from Christ’s approach. He started at the beginning of the Scripture and worked His way through to demonstrate that the Scripture points to Jesus. All pastors should take note and “preach the Word” (2 Tim. 4:2)!
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