Life Until Jesus Comes Back
“And they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God.” (Luke 24:52-53)
After Jesus rose from the dead, He presented Himself alive to at least several hundred people mentioned in the Word of God. Among those were the disciples, to whom He presented Himself on multiple occasions. When the time came for Christ to ascend to heaven, He led the disciples up the Mount of Olives as far as Bethany. From there He ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God. One day, we know Jesus will come back to take His children home to heaven!
But how should we be living until Jesus comes back? We should follow the example of the disciples. First, the Bible says “they worshiped Him.” The highest work we have as followers of Christ is to worship God. All our obedience to His commands flows out of our desire to bring Him glory! Also, Luke says they “returned to Jerusalem.” Perhaps they were tempted to stay on the Mount of Ascension, but they knew their missionary work was calling them back to the city, and it calls us as well.
Scripture also says they returned to Jerusalem “with great joy.” In other words, the disciples were overcome with happiness because they knew that Jesus is Lord. If anyone should be happy, it should be those of us who know our sins have been forgiven! And finally, Luke says that the disciples “were continually in the temple praising and blessing God.” We should remain in close fellowship with the church until Jesus returns. May God help every one of us to live each day like Jesus is alive!
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