More of Him
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30)
John the Baptist was a fascinating man. He was set apart by God to be the forerunner of Jesus. By all human standards, we would say he was a little unorthodox. Scripture tells us that his diet consisted of locusts and wild honey, and that he chose to wear camel’s hair. I imagine he spent much of his time in seclusion and prayer, but he also spent a good deal of time preaching repentance and baptizing his Jewish peers in the Jordan River. He was preparing the nation for the coming of Jesus.
After Christ’s ministry began, people were immediately attracted to Jesus. People that would’ve typically been baptized by John started coming to Jesus, and those who followed John weren’t happy about it. John responded to his followers with a beautiful analogy about being the “best man,” and then He gave us these amazing words – “He must increase, but I must decrease.” In other words, John was saying, “The world needs to see much more of Jesus and much less of me.”
The same is still true today – the world needs to see much more of Jesus and much less of us. How can we apply this principle to our lives? How about starting with the things we say? Do our words point others to Jesus? How about the way we live? Do our actions point others to Christ? We can spend our lives living for our own pleasure, just as John the Baptist could’ve held on to his influence over the nation, but instead he pointed the masses to Jesus. Will others be pointed to Christ because of you?
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