The Davidic Covenant
“And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever.” (2 Samuel 7:16)
After the ark was moved to Jerusalem, the Bible says “the Lord had given him (David) rest from his enemies all around” (2 Sam. 7:1). David was situated very comfortably in his palace, but his heart was still not satisfied. It was his heart’s desire to build a house of worship for the Lord, and the prophet Nathan initially added his blessing to David’s desire. I’m sure the prophet was impressed with a king who still had a heart for God when so many others would’ve been concerned only about themselves.
God let the prophet know that the Lord had not appointed David to build a house of worship. Instead, it was God’s desire to establish the throne of David. God let David know that He would be with his son (Solomon), and that his mercy would rest on him even in the midst of his mistakes. Then God went a step further – he looked beyond David’s son (Solomon) to One that would come through his son in the proceeding generations. In other words, God made a promise to David concerning Jesus.
God established His covenant with David – “your house and your kingdom shall be established forever…your throne shall be established forever.” God was not simply talking about David’s throne as king over modern-day Israel. God was talking about the everlasting kingdom of our Savior Jesus Christ. Isaiah said, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom” (Isa. 9:7). Jesus, the son of David, is King of Kings forever and ever!
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