The Heart of a Senior Saint

“Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.” (Psalm 71:18)

                We go through many stages in life – infant, toddler, child, youth, adult, and finally senior adult.  Maybe you’re already a senior citizen, or perhaps you’re making plans for the time when you’ll reach advanced age and retire.  Either way, the goal for our “golden years” should be the same – to declare God’s power to coming generations.  Why would senior saints be well-suited for such a task?  Because they’ve lived a good number of years and they’ve seen God do a great many things.

                For starters, senior adults have lots of life experience they can share.  They can talk about all the ways God “showed up and showed out” in their lives.  In addition, seniors should have a better knowledge of the Word because they’ve been studying it for so long.  When a senior’s children or grandchildren coming seeking counsel, they should be able to provide a voice of wisdom from the Word of God.  Seniors can point to passages such as Psalm 136 that highlight the power of God.

                Why is it so important that all of us take this seriously?  Because there is a generation coming up that has not experienced the power of God.  Why?  Because many of those in Generation Z have never darkened the door of a church.  If current trends remain unchanged, 9 of every 10 youngsters in Generation Z will grow up and die lost apart from Jesus.  As a seasoned child of God, you are well-positioned to share the power of the Gospel with a generation that hasn’t heard.  Will you do it?

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