Resolution on Women in Pastoral Ministry
Dr. Todd Stinnett
Senior Pastor, Black Oak Heights Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN
Submitted to the SBC Resolutions Committee for Consideration at the 2023 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana
Dr. Todd Stinnett
Senior Pastor, Black Oak Heights Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN
Submitted to the SBC Resolutions Committee for Consideration at the 2023 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana
WHEREAS, every human being has been made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26), whether they be male or female (Gen. 1:27); and,
WHEREAS, men and women have equal value in the sight of God, so that one gender is no better than the other (Psalm 139:14); and,
WHEREAS, God has assigned unique roles to men and women, both within the family (Eph. 5:22-33) and the church (1 Tim. 2:8-15); and,
WHEREAS, the Bible is very clear that a pastor is a regenerate man (1 Tim. 3:1-7) who has been called by God (Acts 13:1-3) to serve the church as elder, overseer, and shepherd (1 Pet. 5:1-3); and,
WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith & Message 2000 affirms that “while both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture;” and,
WHEREAS, Southern Baptists passed a 1984 resolution “On Ordination and the Role of Women in Ministry” that states “we encourage the service of women in all aspects of church life and work other than pastoral functions and leadership roles entailing ordination;” and,
WHEREAS, the overwhelming majority of Southern Baptist churches have honored the Scripture, The Baptist Faith & Message 2000, and historical precedent by refraining from ordaining women or conferring on them the title of “Pastor;” and,
WHEREAS, there are a small number of Southern Baptist churches that have ordained women or conferred on them the title of “Pastor:” and,
WHEREAS, there have been recent attempts by some spiritual leaders to create a distinction between the calling of a pastor and the gifts of a pastor; and,
WHEREAS, those attempts have created confusion about the roles of men and women within the local church; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 13-14, in accordance with biblical truth and consistent with our doctrinal statement, affirm once more that the office of pastor is limited only to men as qualified by Scripture; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we reaffirm our belief that those churches who affirm or employ women as pastors are in violation of biblical teaching and The Baptist Faith & Message 2000; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we ask the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention to encourage each Southern Baptist church that affirms or employs women as pastors to honor the Scripture’s teaching on the role of women in the church; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we encourage the Executive Committee to withdraw fellowship from any Southern Baptist Church that continues to affirm or employ women as pastors, while recognizing that each autonomous local church is at liberty to set their own doctrine and practice as guided by the Holy Spirit and Scripture.
WHEREAS, men and women have equal value in the sight of God, so that one gender is no better than the other (Psalm 139:14); and,
WHEREAS, God has assigned unique roles to men and women, both within the family (Eph. 5:22-33) and the church (1 Tim. 2:8-15); and,
WHEREAS, the Bible is very clear that a pastor is a regenerate man (1 Tim. 3:1-7) who has been called by God (Acts 13:1-3) to serve the church as elder, overseer, and shepherd (1 Pet. 5:1-3); and,
WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith & Message 2000 affirms that “while both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture;” and,
WHEREAS, Southern Baptists passed a 1984 resolution “On Ordination and the Role of Women in Ministry” that states “we encourage the service of women in all aspects of church life and work other than pastoral functions and leadership roles entailing ordination;” and,
WHEREAS, the overwhelming majority of Southern Baptist churches have honored the Scripture, The Baptist Faith & Message 2000, and historical precedent by refraining from ordaining women or conferring on them the title of “Pastor;” and,
WHEREAS, there are a small number of Southern Baptist churches that have ordained women or conferred on them the title of “Pastor:” and,
WHEREAS, there have been recent attempts by some spiritual leaders to create a distinction between the calling of a pastor and the gifts of a pastor; and,
WHEREAS, those attempts have created confusion about the roles of men and women within the local church; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 13-14, in accordance with biblical truth and consistent with our doctrinal statement, affirm once more that the office of pastor is limited only to men as qualified by Scripture; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we reaffirm our belief that those churches who affirm or employ women as pastors are in violation of biblical teaching and The Baptist Faith & Message 2000; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we ask the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention to encourage each Southern Baptist church that affirms or employs women as pastors to honor the Scripture’s teaching on the role of women in the church; and be it further
RESOLVED, that we encourage the Executive Committee to withdraw fellowship from any Southern Baptist Church that continues to affirm or employ women as pastors, while recognizing that each autonomous local church is at liberty to set their own doctrine and practice as guided by the Holy Spirit and Scripture.